Understanding A/B Testing and Statistics Behind

1. A trivial example: flipping a coin


A coin is tossed for 100 times, heads appeared 65 times, tails appeared 35 times. Construct a hypothesis test to check whether the coin is fair. ($P_{head}=P_{tail}=\frac{1}{2}$)

Hypothesis: $$H_0:P_{h}=0.5, H_a:P_{h}\neq 0.5$$

(1) Z test

Since for binomial distribution, each trial is either 0 or 1, so the sample mean is also the proportion of success. Since for this experiment, we already know the distribution of tossing a coin is a binomial distribution, let $X$ to be the count of successes, then: $$\mu_X = np$$ $$\sigma^2_X=np(1-p)$$ $$X \sim N(np, np(1-p))$$

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Customer Segmentation: Customer Types Analysis for a Wholesale Distributor

Getting Started

In this project, you will analyze a dataset containing data on various customers' annual spending amounts (reported in monetary units) of diverse product categories for internal structure. One goal of this project is to best describe the variation in the different types of customers that a wholesale distributor interacts with. Doing so would equip the distributor with insight into how to best structure their delivery service to meet the needs of each customer.

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Summary of SQL Questions on Leetcode

I resolved all the database questions on Leetcode.com recently. The questions cover most of the SQL common queries inlcuding JOIN, Ranking and other SQL basics. I provided the answers as well as explanations in this blog, as a way to consolidate the SQL knowledge.

The questions on Leetcode only support MySQL, so you can install MySQL on your laptop for testing purpose before submitting the solution, or use online SQL platforms to test you query. E.g. rextester more ...

Terrorist Attacks in China From 1970-2015

Terrorist attack is a national problem worldwide. Fortunately according to this dataset, from 1970-2015 (actully 1989-2015), there are only 242 terrorist attacks in China, in which 2917 killed or wounded. Also, it's astounding that 128 out of the all 242 attacks were happend in Xinjing (Sinkiang, Uygur).

Within this ...

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Which Asian Food is More Popular in Seattle?

I moved to Seattle three months ago and found there were many Asian food restaurants here. Some of the Chinese food is really authetic. However, when I was enjoying the food in some Chinese restaurants I found many customers are Asian people, which indicates Americans don't like Chinese food ...

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Titanic: A Tutorial to Achieve 0.82297

For the original Knitr version HTML file, see here. It looks like the plugin of Pelican doesn't support Rmd perfectly.

1. Introduction

The sinking of Titanic in twentieth century is an sensational tragedy, in which 1502 out of 2224 passenger and crew members were killed. Kaggle provided this dataset ...

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